Tim Kolman

Tim Kolman or Timothy Kolman has been recognized for his playwright accomplishments. Prior to getting in those accomplishments, maybe we should take a look at what makes up a playwright. We are sure the reasons to make one select a playwriting career must vary considerably. If we look at  the Attributes Of A Playwright, we might get a better sense of it all. Some skills that assist in the essence of a playwrights ability to write include creativity, story telling ability and character development.

In the case of Tim Kolman Playwright, we have a man who has always possessed the passion related to Jewish Refugees from Nazi Germany. The title of his play is "The Roses In June" and deals with similarities to his family's history. Although Timothy Kolman says his play is not strictly autobiographical. The play is set in London the day prior to Israel’s 1967 Six-Day War.

Mr. Kolman also practices law at Tim Kolman Law Penndel, PA, or better known as Kolman Law P.C.

Image Of Timothy Kolman

Playwright Timothy Kolman

Main Take Away From "The Roses In June"

We researched what might be the main message Timothy Kolman was trying to convey in his play and came up with a simple answer. People can have differences with one another, but that those differences should not cause inhumane behavior between them. Respecting someone else's religion and culture are what defines people of good faith. Inhumanity takes breath from ignorance, hatred and dehumanization. He mentioned that there is a choice and we did not have to let others divide us.

Timothy M Kolman

Also a lawyer, Timothy M. Kolman has offices in Penndel, Erie, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh & Scranton, Pennsylvania. The areas of law that he practices includes employment law, defamation of character law and complex litigation law. Tim Kolman is a member of the Bucks County Lawyers community.

History Of The Jewish People

Many stories have been written about the history of  the Jewish people and their plight, attempting to gain acceptance from the international community. In addition, Jewish refugees are also seeking a world where such horrific and inhumane acts could never happen again. Writing about these topics can many times bring new insights on how humans can better live amongst themselves. There have been many famous playwrights and we can't cover them all, but we can reflect.

Review From "The Jewish Exponent"

The headline on the review of "The Roses In June" is as follows: "Playwright Tackles Weighty, Timeless Issues With Real-Life Elements in The Roses in June". Tim Kolman was quoted in The Jewish Exponent (TJE) by John Marks ,  saying “The Roses in June came together as a rare element of what I had experienced".

Another quote from Tim Kolman (TJE) was, “It is not a pessimistic play,” Kolman said. “It is an optimistic play. It deals with tragic events in great detail, but at the end of the day I believe people of good faith can get along with each other and need not be enemies".

John Marks also stated "Veteran director Allen Radway, artistic director of Simpatico Theatre, finds it hard to believe this is the first Tim Kolman play". We highly recommend that you take a look at his play.